Six Important Cobb County Charities that Need Your Help All Year-Round

As Winston Churchill once said, “We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.” The act of giving is selfless and truly akin to human nature. And when we help others, we can help make the world a much happier place, one person at a time. 

However, despite many efforts to help lift up the disadvantaged in our community, many of our neighbors are nonetheless lacking in the shelter, food, water, clothes, and many other basic rights that are necessary for a healthy and happy life. Because of this, donations to charities help fund resources for the disadvantaged remain much-needed – not only during the holiday season, but rather, throughout the entire year. 

If you can find the time or the resources to donate, it could help make all the difference in the lives of those you will help in the process!

LiveSafe Resources

LiveSafe Resources is a nonprofit charity that has the goal of protecting victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, or elderly abuse. LiveSafe has been around for over 100 years and has helped thousands of people and their families find the means to live a more successful life after facing trauma.

Their services include safety planning, shelter, transitional housing, counseling, and much more. However, LiveSafe always needs additional resources to fund its programs. This charity is asking for cash donations, volunteers, and material items. You can make a cash donation through one-time payments, monthly payments, or even cryptocurrency. 

LiveSafe also has a varied volunteer program for those who want to help out in other ways. There are many jobs for you to choose from, too, depending on your capabilities and interests. 


Current Needs:

  • Financial resources
  • Volunteering time
  • Food donations
  • Clothing donations
  • Hygiene supplies

Must Ministries

Must Ministries is a Christian charity that is welcome to everyone. They provide food, shelter, clothes, jobs, and healthcare to low-income families and individuals. They aim to restore and transform the lives of people who need it the most. 

Must Ministries gives the disadvantaged a fighting chance when they give back to our community. Their vision is to change one life at a time, but unfortunately, they can’t do that without proper funds and resources.

Must Ministries is currently in desperate need of financial support, volunteers, food, and other essential items. There are various ways you can contribute to a financial donation, and other ways to donate money include donating online, recurring payments, donation by mail, stocks, and more. 

You can donate food, clothing, and items by dropping them off at their donation center. You can also donate by buying urgent food supplies on their Amazon wishlist.


Current Needs:

  • Financial resources
  • Volunteering time
  • Food donations
  • School supplies
  • Clothing and toys
  • Hygiene supplies

United Military Care, Inc.

United Military Care is a charity foundation that supports America’s veterans. They provide food, shelter, and shelter for veterans of all ages. United Military Care has helped over 16,000 soldiers, including veteran families.

Veterans have worked themselves to the bone for our freedom and wellbeing. Many military members came back to an empty home or suffered serious injuries. United Military Care helps 5,000 more veteran families and retired soldiers every year. In order to give more veterans the gift of hope, however, they need resources from you.

United Military Care is asking for the donation of goods, money, and even your time. You can donate money through their webpage, where you can choose to do a one-time payment or provide scheduled donations. You can also donate goods by contacting United Military Care through email.


Current Needs:

  • Financial resources
  • Volunteering time
  • Goods donations
  • Vehicle donations

Enduring Hearts

Enduring Hearts is a charity that funds research on pediatric organ transplants. Their focus is on helping connect those who need it with vital organs, as well as improving the overall quality of life of patients. Enduring hearts have allocated over $2 million for the advancement of the research on pediatric organ transplants.

When a child desperately needs aid, it can be a stressful time for their loved ones. Nobody wants to lose their child, and as medical research advances, fewer families have to face this loss. However, Enduring Hearts’ job is nowhere near done. They do need funds to be able to continue their research.

Enduring Needs currently requires financial support and volunteering. You can donate funds through donations, hosting a fundraiser, and more. There are two options for volunteer jobs: General Volunteer and Event Volunteer. General Volunteers help with directly engaging with patients, while Event Volunteers aid in events and ceremonies.


Current Needs:

  • Financial resources
  • Volunteering time

Specially Gifted Foundation

The Specially Gifted Foundation is a charity for children with learning disabilities. Their mission is to make sure children with disabilities not only get equal opportunities, but that they feel loved and valued. Every neurodivergent child has a different pathway, and the Specially Gifted Foundation works to ensure they meet their individual needs.

The Specially Gifted Foundation gives resources and a special gift to neurodivergent families and their children. The gift is specific to each child, and it can be either an opportunity or item, such as a toy or furniture. 

The Specially Gifted Foundation makes childhood dreams come true, which unfortunately isn’t cheap. At this time, they are asking for financial support. This can include either a one-time or scheduled donation, and either would be gratefully received. 


Current Needs:

  • Financial resources
  • Volunteering time
  • School supplies

Homeless Pets Foundation, Inc.

The compassionate staff at Homeless Pets Foundation is dedicated to saving the lives of animals that have run out of time at public shelters. They work to get the pets adopted through hosting adopting events. In addition, their focus on foster care helps animals find their forever homes.

Domesticated animals trust us to keep them safe and comfortable. It is our duty to take care of abandoned animals and try our hardest to make sure they recover. Volunteers completely run the Homeless Pets Foundation. They advertise responsible pet ownership and their goal is to get adoptable pets out of shelters to prevent euthanasia.

The Homeless Pets Foundation is a wholesome charity built on the kindness of human nature. Since its creation in 1998, they have adopted and rescued over 25,000 pets. In addition, society often depicts a pet as a modern aspect of American culture. It is natural to care about the well-being of abandoned pets, and this charity definitely embodies these compassionate values. 

You can help the Homeless Pets Foundation by donating money, volunteering, or fostering animals. You can make donations through the Homeless Pets Foundation website. For volunteering and animal fostering, you can contact them directly.


Current Needs:

  • Financial resources
  • Volunteering time
  • Cleaning supplies 
  • Pet supplies

We can only rise by lifting others. Charity is often a form of self-care, and no doubt, there are many deserving charities that need your help. If you know any more deserving charities that also need help, please leave a comment below to help spread awareness about it. 

Thank you so much for your consideration – as well as your generosity for your deserving neighbors!

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